Library Socks for Literacy - Crew Socks for Men

DIY Storytime – Socks

Do-It-Yourself Storytime – Socks

Enjoy this DIY Storytime on the theme of Socks whenever is convenient for your family.


A Pair of Socks
• Written by Stuart J. Murphy
• Illustrated by Lois Elhert
• Published by HarperCollins
• Presented by Zest2Teach
A lonely sock searches the house for its mate.
Miss Mary Liberry has directions for making a little felt clothes dryer and socks:

Duck Sock Hop
• Written by Jane Kohuth
• Illustrated by Jane  Porter
• Published by Dial Books
• Presented by Miss Andibeez
Ducks love to dance in their fancy socks!
Active For Life has ideas for fun games kids can play using sock balls:

Dirty Joe the Pirate
• Written by Bill Harley
• Illustrated by Jack E. Davis
• Published by HarperCollins
• Read by Bill Harley
Dirty Joe and his pirate crew attack ships and steal the socks of their victims.
Parents First has directions for making a DIY Sock Snowman:
Hatched has directions for a no-sew Socktopus:


Socks Song by Henriyeti

The Socks Song by Cocomelon

Moose Fabio Don't Wear No Socks by GoNoodle


Let's Put On Our Socks
(tune: Hickory, Dickory, Dock)

Hickory, dickory, dock
Let's put on our socks
We'll walk around
Without a sound
When we put on our socks.

Hickory, dickory, dock
Let's put on our socks
We'll tiptoe around
And won't be found
When we put on our socks.

Hickory, dickory, dock
Let's put on our socks
We'll slide around
The slippery ground
When we put on our socks.

Hickory, dickory, dock
Let's put on our socks
We'll dance around
And jump and bound
When we put on our socks.

Five Pairs of Dirty Socks
(You can use actual socks or flannel board cut-outs)

Five pairs of dirty socks on my bedroom floor,
Mom washed the blue pair and then there were four. (remove blue pair)
Four pairs of dirty socks that belong to me,
Mom washed the red pair and then there were three. (remove red pair)
Three pairs of dirty socks, what's a kid to do?
Mom washed the green pair and then there were two. (remove green pair)
Two pairs of dirty socks, I wear them when I run,
Mom washed the white pair and then there was one. (remove white pair)
One pair of dirty socks rolled up in a ball,
Mom washed the last pair, my favorite pair of all. (remove gray pair)
No more dirty socks, Mom washed them all today,
But wait until tomorrow, cause there're more on the way! (throw all in the air)

Sock Pairs

(Use this rhyme to play a Matching Socks Game. Throw a pile of socks on the floor. Hold up one sock and say this rhyme. Then let your child sort through the socks to find the match.)

I have two feet on which I walk,
But I can only find one sock!
Here's a sock I like to wear,
But I need a matching pair.
Look through the pile so you can see,
One that matches perfectly!

Library Socks for Literacy - Crew Socks for Men


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